Giving Thanks for Frustrations and Obstacles: Gratitude makes us focus and turn our negatives into positives

Life is filled with challenges: finding a job, paying for college, affording your retirement. While this may seem paradoxical, on Thanksgiving we should be thankful for frustrations and obstacles. Often on Thanksgiving we think of the Pilgrims. The English colonialists were a grateful lot, but on religious days of thanksgiving, they focused on prayer, not…

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Tips for Leaving an Inheritance to Family: Make sure you think about potential disruptions and plan ahead of time

Families inherit money and sometimes make the right moves investing and spending. Inheritances can also ignite disruption, divorce and a host of bad behavior – far from the hopes and plans of the benefactor. What happens when you leave what’s probably one of your biggest investments: your individual retirement plan? Your Retirement Assets Perhaps most…

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